will Powell

Hi, I’m Will. I’m a fourth year Japanese Studies with Chinese student at the University of Oxford. I began studying Japanese ab initio in my first year; however, I’ve since gone onto study abroad at Kobe University alongside interning in both Kyoto and Tokyo. I received First Class exam results in my first year at university and was subsequently awarded the TEPCO prize and a scholarship.

Language learning comes differently to every student and as such I aim to tailor sessions around an individual’s unique profile. I aim to push students to challenge themselves in their weaker areas, whether that’s productive or receptive skills, so that they can develop confidence across the board.

I also understand how some students can find learning new vocabulary, and especially Kanji, rather tedious. As such I aim to foster a learning environment in which it instead becomes fun and rewarding. In my lessons I highly prioritise constant reviewal of previous content. Language learning is inherently progressive: you need a strong understanding of the core building blocks before you go on to build on top of them. By employing spaced repetition in my teaching, students gain a strong grasp of new grammar structures and develop long lasting language skills.

Outside of my studies, I love to play sports. At Oxford, I have played both rugby and football at the university level. In Japan, I had the opportunity to join the university rugby club becoming one of only a handful of international students playing across the country.